Program - Sessions


Tuesday, June 11, 2013, Conference Room



Registration open



Opening Session




09:15 – 10:15


Keynote 1 (Chair: N.N.)


Bruce Powel Douglass, Chief Evangelist IBM Rational: Model-based Ada development for DO-178B/C and the application of agile methods.


Bruce Powel Douglass is the Chief Evangelist for IBM Rational® with over 30 years specializing in the development of real-time and embedded systems and software. He is the author of the IBM Rational Harmony™ for Embedded RealTime Development (Harmony/ERT) process. He and Peter Hoffmann developed the original Harmony process that combined systems and software engineering with a well specified hand-off for a smooth, integrated workflow. Bruce is a well known speaker and member of the Advisory board of the Embedded Systems Conference and UML World Conference. He is also an invited speaker at many other conferences, such as Embedded World (Germany), Embedded Systems (Japan), SET (Switzerland), OOP (Germany), and Software Development. The special “Bruce’s night” at the Embedded World show has been popular for many years. Bruce developed the IBM Rational Rhapsody® DoDAF profile that currently ships with the product as well as a Safety Analysis Profile that allows engineers to include Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) diagrams, Fault Means and Effect Analysis (FMEA), and hazard analysis in their models. Bruce’s key areas of expertise include agile development and agile in systems engineering.



Coffee Break



Session Multicore and Distributed Systems (Chair: N.N.)

10:45 – 11:20


Hector Perez and J. Javier Gutiérrez (Universidad de Cantabria, Spain):
Experience with the integration of distribution middleware into partitioned systems

11:20 – 11:55


Stephen Michell, Brad Moore, and Luis Miguel Pinho
(Maurya Software Inc; General Dynamics, Canada; Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal):
Tasklettes, a Fine Grained Parallelism for Ada on Multicores

11:55 – 12:30


J. Reinier van Kampenhout and Robert Hilbrich (Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany):

Model-Based Deployment of Mission-Critical Spacecraft Applications on Multicore Processors






Session Industrial Experience 1 (Chair: N.N.)

14:00 – 14:30


Jacob Sparre Andersen, Kim Rostgaard Christensen and Thomas Løcke (AdaHeads K/S, Denmark):
Alice in Adaland

14:30 – 15:00


Daniel Bigelow (Bigelow Informatics, Switzerland):
A pragmatic application of the GNAT Project Manager facility to large system development

15:00 – 16:00


Special Session: Ada 2012


Introducing Ada 2012 (Tucker Taft)



Coffee Break



Session Ada and Spark (Chair: N.N.)
Main Room

Products (Vendor Session)
Second Room

16:45 – 17:20


Carl Brandon and Peter Chapin
(Vermont Technical College, USA):
A SPARK/Ada CubeSat Control Program

(to be announced)

17:20 – 17:55


Thomas Quinot and Eric Botcazou (AdaCore, France):
Lady Ada Mediates Peace Treaty in Endianness War





18:00 – 19:00


Ada Europe General Assembly



Welcome Party

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

09:00 – 10:00


Keynote 2 (Chair: N.N.)


Jack G. Ganssle, The Ganssle Group: The Way Ahead in Software Engineering: Replacing Artists With Disciplined Grownups.


Jack Ganssle has written over 700 articles and six books about embedded systems, as well as a book about his sailing fiascos. He started developing embedded systems in the early 1970s using the 8008. He’s started and sold three electronics companies, including one of the bigger embedded tool businesses. He’s developed or managed over 100 embedded products, from deep-sea navigation gear to the White House security system… and one instrument that analyzed cow poop! He was a member of NASA’s Super Problem Resolution Team, a group of outside experts formed to advise NASA in the wake of Space Shuttle Columbia’s demise, and serves on the boards of several high-tech companies. Jack has appeared as an embedded systems expert on the History Channel’s Modern Marvels, 2004, and one of these days will get around to watching it. He has presented over 100 papers at conferences on five continents.



Coffee Break



Session Dependability (Chair N.N.)

10:45 – 11:20


Barry Fagin and Martin Carlisle (US Air Force Academy, USA):
Provably Secure DNS: A Case Study in Reliable Software

11:20 – 11:55


Irene Bicchierai, Giacomo Bucci, Carlo Nocentini and Enrico Vicario (Università di Firenze, Italy):
Using ontologies in the integration of functional, structural, and process perspectives in the development of safety critical systems

11:55 – 12:30


Xiaozhen Xue and Akbar Siami Namin (Texas Tech University, USA):
Measuring the Odds of Statements Being Faulty






Products (Vendor Session)

14:00 – 15:45


(to be announced)



Coffee Break



Session Industrial Experience 2 (Chair: N.N.)


16:30 – 17:00


Mark Lorenzen (Terma A/S, Denmark):
Benefits Gained from Using Ada on the ASIM Project

17:00 – 17:30


David Dhenaux and David Sauvage (SmartSide, France, AdaLabs Ltd., Mauritius):
Feedback on improving a Smart Metering product performance and scalability using multi core and distribution while preserving its correctness

17:30 – 18:00


Alexander Senier (secunet Security Networks AG, Germany):
Designing, Implementing and Formally Verifying a High-Assurance Workstation






Conference Dinner at the Botanical Garden

On Wednesday, we follow the trails in the Botanic Garden and the “Großes Glashaus” of Berlin-Dahlem, regarded as one of the three most eminent institutions of its kind in Europe. Walk around and get a small impression of the 22000 plants from all over the world, before we sit down for the conference dinner, enjoying the conversations, the food, the wine, and the greenery around us. The Botanic Garden is in walking distance to the hotel.


Thursday, June 13, 2013

09:00 – 10:00


Keynote 3 (Chair: N.N.)


Giorgio C. Buttazzo: Research Challenges in Exploiting Multi-Core Platforms for Real-Time Applications


Giorgio Buttazzo is Full Professor of Computer Engineering at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna of Pisa. He graduated in Electronic Engineering at the University of Pisa in 1985, received a Master in Computer Science at the University of Pennsylvania in 1987, and a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna of Pisa in 1991. He has been Program Chair and General Chair of the major international conferences on real-time systems. He is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Real-Time Systems (Springer) and Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. He is Chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Real-Time Systems and IEEE Fellow "for contributions to dynamic scheduling algorithms in real-time systems". He has authored 6 books on real-time systems and over 200 papers in the field of real-time systems, robotics, and neural networks.



Coffee Break



Panel: How to Use the Heap in Real-Time Systems
(Chair: James Hunt, aicas GmbH, Germany)

10:45 – 12:30




Tom Grosman (Atego Systems, Inc., USA) on Disciplined Use of Scope-Allocated Objects

James Hunt (aicas GmbH, Germany) on Dynamic Memory Management in Real-Time, Safety-Critical System

S. Tucker Taft (AdaCore, USA) on Region-Based Storage Management for Parallel Programming






Real-Time Systems (Chair: N.N.)

14:00 – 14:35


Emilio Salazar, Alejandro Alonso, Miguel A. de Miguel, and Juan A. de La Puente
(Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain):
A Model-based Framework for Developing Real-Time Safety Ada Systems

14:35 – 15:10


Andrea Baldovin, Enrico Mezzetti and Tullio Vardanega (University of Padua, Italy):
Towards a Time-Composable Operating System

15:10 – 15:45


Ismael Lafoz, Esteban Asensio, Andrew Coombes and Julian Navas
(GMV Aerospace and Defence, Spain, Airbus Military - EADS, Spain, Rapita Systems Ltd., U.K.):
Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis Approach for Safety-Critical Airborne Software



Coffee Break



Closing Session


16:30 – 17:00


Best Paper Award

Best Presentation Award






The conference is supported and sponsored by Ada-Europe,
Ada Deutschland e.V., Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.,
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and in cooperation with


April 25, 2013